This is Julia. Before she became the world's best intern, turned office manager, turned assistant editor, she had another life as a baker.
The vibe around Avos HQ is always good, but things reach a new level when the smell of banana bread begins to waft around the studio. Unfortunately for you, tech doesn’t yet allow you to taste or smell things through a blog post.
In our best effort to rectify that, Julia has been kind enough to share her recipe for the perfect banana bread below.
1 cup brown sugar
1 stick unsalted butter ( room temp)
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 cups of baking flour ( all purpose is fine, baking flour is just a bit finer and makes it a bit fluffier)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tea spoon salt
2 vanilla beans
Half a lemon
4 Bananas
2 eggs
A good amount bourbon...
Step one: preheat oven to 325, butter pan
Step two: put on dramatic french music (Edith Piaf)
Step three: cream the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl, add eggs one at a time
Step four: in a small bowl mash together three of the bananas, mix in the milk, tiny beans from vanilla pod, juice from half a lemon, 4 tablespoons of bourbon and cinnamon. In a larger bowl add all your drys ( flour baking soda, baking powder, salt)
Step five: add banana mixture to the creamed butter and sugar mixture. Once that is mixed together add the drys.
Step six: pour in to buttered pan, bake for about 70 min.
Step seven: pour yourself a heavy glass of bourbon.
Step eight : maybe pour yourself another...?
Step nine: turn the music up a little.
Step ten: keep your shoes on. FOCUS, your making banana bread.
Step eleven: pour your self a glass of water. Try not to sweat.
Step twelve: find a bathroom, stare in the mirror, tuck your shirt in, you got this.
Step thirteen: 70 minutes have passed and guess what the banana bread is done!
Enjoy :)