Back in June we were fortunate enough to continue our on-and-off year-long project, creating a video celebrating the 100th anniversary of the engineering company Black & Veatch. One of our major goals for this film was to show the expansive breadth of their work and, of course, there is no other way to do this than to go where the projects are. They currently have projects spanning over 100 countries; on this leg of the trip we featured a finished water treatment facilty on the Hong Kong University Campus and an ongoing power plant project in Indonesia, east of Jakarta.
While it was important for us to highlight the projects themselves, we also spent a lot of time capturing the culture and people that will be affected by Black & Veatch's work. This is the essense of why we love travel productions— the sights, sounds, and smells of filming in a far away place. There is never a dull moment and we will never tire of it, and it certainly helps that we get to travel with some really fun people. On this production in particular: Director - Brandon Loper, DP - Devin Whetstone, Gaffer - Matt Rome, Arial team: Devin and Kiel Whetsone. Plus Avo's own: Dalia Burde, David Bourke and Heron Calisch-Dolen.